A clinic dedicated in caring for children
with feeding disorders
A feeding disorder is any difficulty an infant or child may be having that is adversely affecting their weight or nutrition. Feeding disorders can be complex and stressful for parents and it is imperative that parents are able to access specialized assistance to help guide them through the issues.
The feeding clinic at Chatterbox provides specialised feeding therapy for children aged from 0-12 months of age.
There are a number of different areas that we are able to assist with including,
- Failure to thrive
- Breastfeeding assistance
- Gastroesophageal reflux
- Weaning off nasogastric tubes
- Food selectivity by type and texture.
Our team involves a Speech pathologist and Occupational Therapist. We also have a midwife available for newborn babies and mothers having difficulties with neonatal feeding.
Treatment is provided with our purpose built clinic room. Our therapists will offer a comprehensive assessment procedure and then a supportive and individualised treatment plan. Our aim is to offer parents functional suggestions and advice that can help improve their child's issues.
We recommend making an appointment if you or your child is experiencing any of the following:
- If breast feeding is taking a long time, is hurting or your baby is not latching on
- If you have a newborn and are feeling overwhelmed
- If you require support to move onto bottle feeding
- If your child finds it difficult to move on to a different texture
- Is finding it hard to chew or to drink from a cup
- Finds it hard to try new foods
- If you child is not gaining weight