Term Programs at Chatterbox

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Description of Programs at ChatterBox


Art therapy - primary

Art Therapy is a process for children to express thoughts and feelings. It offers opportunities for choices and control, reducing stress and anxiety, developing healthy problem-solving skills. All while engaging in enjoyable, developmentally appropriate activities.


BAlance & strengthening Dance

Improve balance skills with a variety of different activities and equipment. Strengthening is designed to work individual muscle groups in the upper and lower body. The Dance component uses movement patterns and also develops kinaesthetic memory. It also develops strength and endurance from an early age.



Recent research has shown that students with additional needs who join a choir develop strong social interaction & communication skills, improvements in attention, flexibility and distraction from daily worries leading to a reduction in anxiety. (Ages 9 +)


Drama Club

Research in performing arts has shown that participating in Drama can help children with additional needs reach their therapy goals quicker. Drama club focuses on joining in, participating in role playing, listening and following instructions, working as part of a group, and increasing their imagination.


Getting Ready for 4-year old kinder

3 year old kinder is the start of the journey to get your child ready for school. At this stage of development, children become independent learners and explorers. This group is designed to give your child the skills needed for a 4 year old child through self exploration and play.


Getting Ready for School


Jnr girlfriends & Mates Social Program

Our Junior social groups teach children about basic social and friendship skills. Topics include; learning about making & initiating friendships, empathy, team sports, dealing with rejection, comprising, winning and losing, dealing with anger and stress. Strong friendships are made in this group


kinder dance

Dancing at an early age will help children improve their social and communication skills. Children will learn basics in ballet and jazz and have an emphasis on allowing them to express themselves creatively through movement. This is blended with input from a Therapist to help improve social skills, turn- taking, and follow instructions.


Music Therapy

Music therapy gives children an enjoyable, supportive and creative environment where they can express themselves! Research shows that music therapy has a positive impact on the confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing of children.


Quite often, many children find it challenging to join ‘out of school activities’ such as dance, soccer, netball. Reasons for this can include anxiety, difficulty making friends, lack of confidence, instructions are too quick or confusing and possible sensory issues.

Chatterbox has created a dance program (jazz & musical theatre) that is FUN and teaches skills such as; how to work in a small group, listen to instructions, improve coordination and gross motor strength.

Each child will work at their own level of ability.

Students in DANCE! also get to perform for families and friends in a concert like environment.



Reach My Milestones

Run by a Speech Pathologist, this group is aimed at 2 -3 year old developmental milestones. Activities are aimed to increase sound development, building vocab and sentences, social skills, following directions and play skills. Parents also given advice on dealing with behaviour issues and other topics.


Sensory Art Therapy

Sensory art activities have been shown to help in improving areas in the brain that help enhance, attention and cognitive skills. It also is known to make significant gains in emotional awareness, communication, coping, creative thinking and sensory information processing.


Sing and Chat!

Together with a Speech Pathologist and Music Therapist this group uses music together with fun activities to help develop vocabulary and language development. Specific songs and nursery rhymes help engage children.


Teens Mates & Girlfriends Social Program

Our Teen groups focus on building independence by developing the skills needed to be an independent and valued part of the community. Both Functional skills (cooking, hygiene, budgets) and Emotional skills (self-confidence, making and developing friendships, managing stress & anxiety, puberty) are targeted.


TWEENS Social Program

This group explores advanced social skill situations. Topics include; empathy, flexibility, conflict resolution, perspective, positive self talk, anger management, dealing with anxiety and stress, dealing with bullies, choosing the right friend. There is a strong emphasis on students to learn about themselves.


Warm-ups, Stretching & Dance

Warm-ups are gentle and fun activities to move all body parts in order to help the blood circulating in the body. Stretching activities help to work major muscles in the body and sooth tension and stress.

The Dance component incorporates activities that can also be used for sensory problems.