Your Rights
Human rights are the basic entitlements that belong to all of us because we are human beings.
Chatterbox Australia Therapy Service respects and fully commits to upholding the rights of all people, including those with disabilities. We are also committed to ensuring you are aware of your rights and responsibilities and are supported to exercise them.
You have the Right to access supports that:
Promote, uphold and respect your legal and human rights.
Respect your culture, diversity, values and beliefs.
Respect and protect your dignity and right to privacy.
Are free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation or discrimination.
Allow you to exercise informed choice and control.
Our Objectives
Chatterbox Australia Therapy Services objective is to assist people with a disability to live within the community with a lifestyle of their choice that reflects the conditions of everyday life valued by the community.
Chatterbox Australia Therapy Services will follow the following objectives:
To provide a service which values all individuals and recognises the inherent rights of individuality, dignity and respect as specified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the National Disability Insurance Act.
To provide needs-based individualised support to people with a disability meeting the eligibility criteria of The Company and assisting them to lead a life with choice and control.
To provide a flexible service responsive to the changing needs of individual people who use the service.
To provide access to opportunities in the community that positively contribute to the individual’s life.
To provide an avenue by which mutually beneficial connections can be made between people.
Feedback and Complaints
We want to hear from you.
Your feedback allows us to provide you with high-quality services; we actively seek your input.
We make sure there are lots of ways and times for you to tell us what you want or need from us, and what you think of the job we are doing.
We would like your feedback on:
Quality of care received
Consistency of services provided
Support worker performance
Supports that work for you
What you like and dislike about our services
Changes you want made to assist you
No matter what the situation, our team will not react badly to your complaint; you should feel safe knowing that they will not retaliate or hurt you in any way.
Emergency and Disaster Management Plan Participant Information
What is an emergency or natural disaster?
It is a significant disruption in usual services (such as hospitals, banks or shops) and infrastructure (such as water, electricity or roads).
If could include (but is not limited to) bushfires, pandemics such as COVID-19, flooding etc.
These situations can happen without warning and place people who are vulnerable, such as people with a disability, at risk of harm. The best time to plan for what to do in an emergency is before it happens.
What is an emergency and disaster management plan?
This is a plan about what you will do in emergency to ensure you stay safe. This plan will be completed as part of your Individual Participant Support Plan document and reviewed every 12 months or at each service agreement renewal.
This includes how you will continue to be cared for if your usual supports (such as help for showering) are disrupted. For example, you may have a trusted person who can help you or you may need to plan to transfer to hospital. How would your pets be cared for? How would you take your medications?
Can I still get ChatterBox Services in an emergency?
If you are in an emergency, you or your trusted person will need to let us know that your plan is activated.
Depending on the situation and type of emergency, the urgency of the service will be considered and urgent support will be provided in an appropriate way, such as through telehealth or phone.