'Watch Me Grow'
Group Therapy
Our ‘Watch Me Grow’ group series are designed to help your child develop their skills from 3 years of age right through to 12 years of age. Each group is tailored to engage your child’s developmental skills in response to the milestones they are supposed to be achieving.
Each group evolves with your child’s changing needs and interests. ‘Watch me Grow’ is designed to let your child automatically progress through each group stage. Feedback is given to parents following each session.
Research has now confirmed how critical therapy can be during the early years of development. During this precious stage, children need to develop in a range of areas such as play skills, social and emotional skills, learning to follow routines, language and gross and fine motor skills.
Play and Talk (18mths – 2yrs)
This group is full of creative play, art and craft, songs and movement. It provides a play based therapy model to help promote development of language and cognitive skills. Our staff work in collaboration with parents to provide them with advice on things they can do at home to help promote these skills on a daily basis at home.
Our Preschool programs have been designed to help our little people prepare themselves for Three and Four year old Kinder plus school. Our programs are designed to encourage your child’s learning and self-exploration. Starting three year old kinder is an exciting time! It is the start of their preparation and journey to school. 3 year olds are at a developmental stage that makes them explorers!
Our 4 year olds are independent learners. These groups are designed to expand their learning across all areas and aid in transition to school. We encourage them to become more self directed and rely less on adult direction. We place a strong emphasis on following school routines and transitioning from different activities.
Kinder Skills (3-4 year olds)
Using fun and creative ideas your child will be encouraged to use their social skills to play with other children, listen to instructions and directions, use their words in sentences, practice fine and gross motor skills.
School Readiness (4-6 yr olds)
This group is designed to get your child ready for school. Activities will focus on helping your child expand their skills in the areas of social skills, social rules and routines, listening and attention, movement and gross motor skills, drawing and colouring skills and behaviour management.
It has been found that children who participate in LEGO therapy learn to relate to others around them, they learn communications skills that are transferable to other environments, they are able to cope better with their anger and stress, they learn about emotions and understand how their body responds to different emotions and they learn how to problem solve.
Spring into Play and Friendship (Ages 4 YOA, Kinder, Prep and Grade 1)
Dates: Tuesday the 25th and Wednesday the 26th of September
Time: 9am to 3pm
Get ready to spring into some FUN these school holidays.
Come and join us for two days of holiday fun whilst learning all about friends. This is a therapy-based program run by Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists targeting play skills and friendship development. Students will also learn and practise skills such as; listening, transitioning, group participation, developing confidence and emotional regulation. Come along and enjoy; playing games, art and craft, cooking and group fun whilst learning some new tips and tricks.
As your child begins the school years journey there are lots of new experiences that they will encounter. During this stage of development many skills being to come together for many children. School will push your child to deal with daily events that require their social and emotional development to be strong. For children with special needs, starting a mainstream school can be very stressful and confronting. Parents can also feel very over-whelmed and stressed wondering if their child is coping in the classroom and the playground.
Our therapists use a number of different techniques including video segments from the Model Me Kids social program, role playing (including video feedback). Some children who have never had strong friendships often form their first friendship within the group program and then transfer this over to school.
Playing with Friends (Prep – Grade 1)
This group teaches children about basic social skills and friendship skills using various activities. Children learn about making friends, initiating friendship and skills needed to be a good friend. They also learn about topics such as; empathy, team sports, dealing with rejection, comprising, winning and losing, dealing with anger and stress.
Mates (Grade 2-6)
This group will move your child through more advanced social skill situations. Children will participate in fun activities and discussions each week on a topic that will encourage them to understand social situations better and work on strategies that can help them through an interaction. There is a strong emphasis on the children learning about themselves; their personalities & behaviours so that they can understand why they react a certain way in different situations. Topics of discussion include; empathy, flexibility, conflict resolution, perspective, positive self talk, anger management, dealing with anxiety and stress, dealing with bullies, choosing the right friend.
Girlfriends (7-10 Years Of Age)
Our girlfriends group is aimed at school aged girls who help girls who are struggling with understanding more complex emotions as they are growing up.
At around 7-10 years of age girls start to develop a deeper sense of friendships and can often be confused, angry, sad and even depressed. It is important for them to learn how to speak up and talk to their parents and also learn about positive friendships and strategies when they have a conflict with a friend or sibling. This group is a safe place for the girls to talk about topics that are difficult for them to bring up at home. They learn how to make and maintain good healthy friendships not just at home but also with siblings. The group also focuses on anger and anxiety and understanding triggers so that they can then learn strategies to learn how to cope calmly when stressed.
It has been found that children who participate in LEGO therapy learn to relate to others around them, they learn communications skills that are transferable to other environments, they are able to cope better with their anger and stress, they learn about emotions and understand how their body responds to different emotions and they learn how to problem solve.
Spring into Friendship and Emotions (Ages Grade 2 to Grade 6)
Dates: Tuesday the 2nd and Wednesday the 3rd of September
Time: 9am to 3pm
Get ready to spring into some FUN these school holidays.
Come and join us for two days of holiday fun whilst learning all about friendships. This is a therapy-based program run by Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists targeting friendship development and managing conflict. Students will also learn and practise skills such as; team work, group participation, developing confidence and emotional regulation.
Come and enjoy playing games, art and craft, cooking and group fun whilst learning some new tips and tricks.
Other Programs
We are excited to join forces with Bendy Bodies Yoga for kids!
All Yoga and Mindfulness classes are designed to be fun and creative to stimulate a young child’s min. Younger children start off with playful yoga poses, basic breathing exercises and imaginative relaxation techniques along with creative activities (crafts, music or books). Older children with their expanding minds and maturing bodies learn about their physical strength, emotional balance and how to build self confidence and self-reflection skills.
Benefits of Kid’s Yoga Classes:
Encourage confidence
Self Expression
Self Love
Self Acceptance
Respect for Self & Others
Coordination & Balance
Active Play
Self Discipline & Self Awareness
Emotional Resilience
Regulation of Emotions
Empathy & Compassion
Kids Yoga Ages 3-5 | Kids Yoga Ages 5 – 7 | Kids Yoga 8- 13
Kids Music and Drama
Our music classes are run by Emma Callaghan from Theatre box. Emma has over 15 years' experience working with children in the performing arts. She herself was a performer and is still involved now as a theatre director. Her performing arts school Theatre box gives children the opportunity to explore and express themselves through acting, singing and movement. Emma strives to give the children an innovative all round theatrical experience. She is available for individual sessions, joint sessions with a therapist or group classes.